Most-Hated Fast Food Chain In America - Paparazzi Ice Cream Shop

Mosthated fast food chain in america

Burger king research shows burger king is not a customer favorite burger king routinely ranks low on fastfood chains

Little caesars fewer consumers are shouting pizza pizza at little caesars

Panda express panda express is a popular alternative for quick and tasty meals

Subway subways customer satisfaction level has stayed at 75

Dairy queen dairy queens ice cream has long been a favorite but its service is starting to chill peop le

Dunkin research data shows that dunkin the famous coffee and donut brand is not operating at full capacity

Sonic sonics score has climbed from 73 to 74 yet the popular fastfood company still ranks low in customer favorites

Wendy’s wendys score remains at 73 with consumers complaining about food quality and service quickness